O’Reilly Talks With Michael Black and Reid Reid About Barbados, STEM, Women and Sports

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O’Reilly: “The United States…doesn’t care about Barbados. Barbados isn’t very important… Barbados is not falling off the map… it’s a low key world player… maybe even an unsung hero of the world.”

Bruce, sound off.

O’Reilly: “I’ve never understood this fear of moving into the modern world. I’m just doing things because I enjoy doing them… You know folks, everybody. An engineer, at IBM. By the way, Ronald Reagan, FDR, and Winston Churchill were all engineers… you said, ‘Oh yeah, they’re smart’ so you’re just an engineer. Why are we so intimidated by engineers?

Bruce: “I think, you see all of the science kids nowadays are like….feel good motivational like…’if I do this I feel like I’m accomplishing something.’ I do feel like science, engineering and technology is just as integral to man’s survival and health as breathing.

Bill, what’s the big deal. They’re involved in the environment so they’re correct to take environmental protection very seriously and I’m not going to lie, they’re very interested and involved in environmental, renewable energy. I like that. So, they’re entitled to do that. I see what they’re doing and I like what they’re doing… I’m not going to say that I don’t like – my family is – seems to be resistant to a lot of the modern day stuff in general, but the danger is that we’re sort of mechanizing mankind, and it’s been done in favor of man’s survival. It’s done for man’s survival and economic sustenance, and it’s been done to many people’s detriment in the name of economic gain. That’s the danger, the danger of mechanization.

O’Reilly: “Tina” – another smart at work, another brilliant engineer in the form of a female not in the STEM community – can you keep up with this biz? What do you say, what do you say to some, why? Why is this so prevalent? And what do you advise?

Black: “You’re right because in the world of STEM that stands for science, technology, engineering and math, there is a huge dearth of minorities and women studying these areas. Blacks, Asians and Hispanics are underrepresented, and this is an area where we can, as individuals, we can, it’s important, it’s an imperative that we not only access these areas, but we are part of them, so let’s all get in the spirit of it and let’s break glass ceilings and let’s become the best of the best. Not like the best but the equal. We’ve made it hard for women to work in STEM and in sports and sports is an amazing example because by not hiring women in sports, we created a business problem because once women stopped training to be athletes, the men stopped training. You have a huge imbalance there.

O’Reilly: “Reid” – best selling author? What is it about women – going in this area especially? What is it about women working in the STEM and sports?

Reid: “Women are supposed to be people interested in science, technology, engineering and math because it’s a little bit different than the traditional career women. It’s not a women’s career, it’s not a male’s career, it’s just not.

O’Reilly: “Bill” – top scientist in New England? Sir Winston Churchill, Einstein, (pause) wonder….

Black: “I didn’t watch Sci-Fi movies…”

O’Reilly: “What is it with that thing I call women, just can’t get them, can’t get them to understand the dynamics and they’re more interested in sports…I’m going to bet, just for giggles…”

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